Four Holiday Cookie Recipes (Chirp, Chirp!)

Four Holiday Cookie Recipes (Chirp, Chirp!)

We’re excited to share that we’ll be able to share quite a few more cricket recipes developed by our team in the coming weeks (and some video too, huzzah!) In the meantime, whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Santa Claus, or anything and everything in between, it just feels like a good time of year to make cookies in honor of something. And although we never need an excuse to eat sweet treats (raise your hand if you’re part of the sweet tooth club…it’s a blessing and a curse), there’s something about the chilly weather that makes cookie-time extra appropriate.

Here are some cricket cookie recipes for you to think on and perhaps try out with our Pure Cricket Protein Powder. Stay tuned for more exciting announcements in the next few weeks: The Cricketeers are cookin’!

Choco-Chirpies from Bug Vivant: Moist and chewy with protein, fiber, and calcium. Count us in!

Vanilla Chocolate Chip Cookies: Want to switch it up from the usual chocolate chip cookie routine? This dough makes thick, mini-muffin-esque cookies (which is NOT a bad thing, in our books)